
Safety studies

Safety studies

The outcome of the continuous monitoring of the safety of railway undertakings and the safety level of the railway system as a whole, including in particular analyses of rail events and information from annual reports submitted by the obligated entities to the President of UTK are periodic studies submitted to the Minister responsible for transport (safety assessment) and the European Railway Agency (safety report). Annual studies are supplemented with periodic (usually quarterly) thematic or cross-cutting information developed by the President of the Office of Rail Transport.

An Assessment of Rail Market Operations and Rail Traffic Safety
A document drawn up on the basis of national legal regulations. The part focusing on safety contains information on the basic factors determining safety management in the rail sector and the analyses of rail events occurring in the reporting period. The document includes a separate section on safety on level crossings and alarming third-party actions bringing loss to railway undertakings and railway infrastructure managers. Moreover, the issues of rail transport safety in Europe and the supervision of the President of UTK were also briefly discussed. The document constitutes an abbreviated version of the study presented to the Minister responsible for transport. The conceptual network is based on national legislation.



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