

Intermodal transport in 3Q 2022


Over 6.6 m tonnes of goods were transported by intermodal rail services in 3Q 2022. The transport performance reached more than 2.2 bn tonne-km. The freight values for 3Q 2022 were on a comparable level to 2Q 2022.

From July to September rail carriers transported more than 441,000 units, which is more than 706,000 TEUs. Compared to the same period last year, this number was down by 2.1% (in TEU by 3.9%).

The total weight in intermodal transport in 3Q 2022 exceeded 6.6 m tonnes. The transport performance was over 2.2 bn tonne-km. Compared to 3Q 2021, the weight fell by 2.3% and the transport performance rose by 3.4%. At the same time, these results are at a comparable level to the previous quarter.

The slowdown in intermodal transport is caused both by an uncertain situation across our eastern border in Ukraine and a search for alternative modes of transport and new channels for the distribution of cargo from east to west. A change in the direction of supply chains and the priority in transport of raw materials is also quite significant - comments Ignacy Góra, President of the Office of Rail Transport.

In 3Q 2022 intermodal rail transport services were performed by 21 licensed carriers, while in 2Q by 22 carriers.

In the three quarters of 2022 19.8 m tonnes and 1.3 m units (2.2 m TEUs) were transported by intermodal carriers. Compared to the same period last year, it is: 0.13% drop in weight, 0.9% increase in the number of units and 0.5% decrease in the number of TEUs.

Detailed intermodal transport data can be found on our statistical portal at

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