

Freight transport in August 2019


In the period January – August of 2019 freight carriers transported almost 158 million tonnes, which means a fall by 5% in comparison to the corresponding period of 2018. Transport service amounted to 37.6 billion tonne-kilometres and operational service – almost 55 million train-kilometres. This means a decrease of those values by 4.5% and 5.6% respectively.

In August of 2019 the weight of transferred goods was at the level of 19.4 million tonnes, which meant a decrease by 8.1% in comparison to August of 2018. Transfer service remained at the level of 4.6 billion tonne-kilometres, and operational performance – at 6.7 million train-kilometres. These values were lower on a yearly basis by 10.3% and 11.8% respectively. Average transport distance was 236 kilometres, that is less by 6 km than in August of 2018.

- The up-to-date data for 2019 shows that freight transfer by rail still depends on large orders from energy and metallurgy sectors as well as on the appropirate level of infrastructural projects – so summarized the data Mr. Ignacy Góra, Sc. D., President of Office of Rail Transport (Pol. Urząd Transportu Kolejowego, UTK). – In order to further develop their business freight carriers need to present competitive offers in comparison to other branches of transport. Railway’s potential has always been visible at bulk goods transport, however one may also note new possibilities of such means of transport when it comes to f.e. discount store networks – he added.

One can find the detailed data in the Statistics section.

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