

Amendments in the NVR and maintenance of railway vehicles.


Data as entered into the national vehicle register (NVR) should mirror the actual condition of a railway vehicle. A railway vehicle holder is obliged to submit to UTK any changes regarding a railway vehicle, however the vehicle’s presence at a maintenance facility should not be regarded as a change of the vehicle’s holder or status.

Any entity performing activities related to the maintenance of railway vehicles is not obliged to inform the President of UTK of this fact. Such activities are not the basis to enter any amendments into the NVR with regard to the data of such vehicle. Thus there’s no need to send an application to UTK regarding the change of the holder in the NVR’s given vehicle’s entry, when a railway vehicle is transferred to the maintenance facility.

Such transfer as well as exemption from service during maintenance activities do not require data changes in the NVR with regard to the vehicle’s holder or the registration status code. Such action is not required by law and additionally it generates unnecessary costs on the part of the holder. It is also noteworthy that in such a case the maintenance facility does not become the new holder of a railway vehicle.

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